Redflex Web Design and Development

October 2020 Showcase – Redflex Updates

This month, 20/21 creative collaborated with Brandbuild  to re-vamp the website. The redesigned site, although around a year old, afforded some valuable insights into which direction it needed to go. This month 20/21 Creative completed and re-launched those updates which included :

Combining Multi-Sites

WordPress Multi-Site is a powerful and feature rich way of combining multiple versions of a website but keeping the same hosting account, database and dashboard.  Analytics found that there was little need for both a US and an International version of the website. So the new updates  combined the two sites, and re-structured the content to cater for both.


The home page slider, however is still geo-located based on the users IP address. The slider doesn’t just choose the relevant content for the users location – but a dropped cookie also ensures the slider can, when content is available, rotate through different sliders.

Restructured Navigation

A restructured navigation means utilising as much screen real-estate as possible –  including a gorgeous vanishing header banner, removing the footer floating navigation as well as  utilising more of the side tabs to include slide out “trays”. The hamburger menu reveals a slide out right hand bar.

There is truly a wide variety of navigation styles.

Emphasized Product Pages

The product page was improved to be more category focused and image rich while still funneling  the user to their required solution.

Bespoke Portal Improvements

As we see so often in wordpress development, extra requirements were now needed for the distributor portal. This meant we had to rebuild some parts of the portal without disturbing the plugin. Improvements included a Profile section with customisable Redflex Team per user. Shortly to come is a bespoke emailer system. Templates are designed by Redflex themselves and offered to distributors via the portal system. Each distributor has its own distribution list and email shots are sent out via our emailing engine.

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