“Marketing is enthusiasm transferred to the customer”
You only have one chance to make a great impression on your audience and Email Marketing should definitely be an essential part of your marketing strategy.
Our talented team of Creatives, Strategists and Technology Experts are based locally in Melbourne and this gives us the advantage of getting to know you and your business.
There are exciting trends which we have seen help businesses reach audiences and customers like never before and improve ROI overall.
Interactive emails
This is a must-have at the moment, especially if you are an online retailer. Gone are the days where consumers are simply just directed to a link – interactive emails are another reason to view and shop for products via carousels. Hamburger menus and other navigation on these emails ensure the recipient can easily access where they want to go, while on the go. Other examples of this email style include – reviews, add to cart functionality and search bars.
HTML5 video in email
If you are a business owner or have a social media presence, you know the power of video. Since the launch of iOS 10, HTML5 video has a higher presence and uptake now more than ever in email. According to Litmus, in November 2016, more than 53% of emails were opened in Apple email apps, which means if you aren’t using it there is a huge missed opportunity. It’s true that video speaks louder than words!
Automated emails
This is definitely not something new but it’s a trend that has held it’s value for good reason – it saves your business time, resources and money. Imagine selling more products and gaining return customers, all while focusing on the growth of your company? Automation is an excellent way to engage subscribers, and really speak to them.